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Staðfesting skilmála
Öllum notendum ber að lesa þessa skilmála vel yfir áður en þeir verða meðlimir síðunnar.
Skilmálarnir verða uppfærðir eftir þörfum og því er mikilvægt að þeir notendur sem ætla að nýta sér þessa þjónustu lesi þá yfir reglulega.
Hvað er Barnapö
Barnapö er ekki ráðningaskrifstofa og því ákveða foreldrarnir sjálfir hvaða barnfóstru þeir ráða og bera einnig ábyrgð á þeirri ákvörðun.
Foreldrar sem eru með aðgang á síðunni geta sett inn auglýsingu, tekið á móti umsóknum, skoðað nánari upplýsingar um barnfóstrur og sent póst til þeirra.
Barnfóstrur sem eru með aðgang að síðunni geta skoðað auglýst störf, sent inn umsóknir og átt í samskiptum við foreldra í gegnum síðuna.
Í upphafi verða samskipti á milli foreldra og barnfóstra i gegnum skilaboð á síðunni. Þau ákveða svo hvort samskiptin verða færð á annnan hátt.
Ef þú ert ekki með aðgang að síðunni þá getur þú samt sem áður skoðað þig um og séð forsíðuna, skilmálana, algengar spurningar og hægt er að skoða fjölda skráðra barnfóstra eftir póstnúmeri.
Hvernig verð ég meðlimur?
Til þess að fá fullt aðgengi að síðunni þá verður þú að búa til aðgang með því að ýta á hnappinn ‚‘nýskráning‘‘ sem er uppi i hægra horninu. Þess að auki þarftu að samþykkja notendaskilmálana og hafa náð 15 ára aldri.
Það er gjaldlaust fyrir barnfóstrur að skrá sig en foreldrar greiða fyrir það timabil sem þau velja (3, 6 eða 12 mánuðir).
Gerð er krafa að notendur síðunnar séu með hreint sakavottorð en foreldrar þurfa sjálfir að biðja barnfóstuna um afrit af sakavottorði.
Þú getur sótt afrit af þínu sakavottorði með auðveldum hætti inn á
Hvað ber Barnapö ekki ábyrgð á?
Barnapö er ekki ráðningaskrifstofa og því sjá foreldrar sjálfir um ráðningu barnfóstru.
Foreldrar sjá sjálfir um að afla upplýsingar um barnfóstru sem þeir hafa áhuga á að ráða, til dæmis um aldur aldur, sakavottorð, bílpróf, skyndihjálp, ofnæmi eða annað sem skiptir máli.
Hægt er að biðja barnfóstru um að framvísa skjölum eða skirteinum eftir beðni foreldra.
Barnapö sér ekki um að innheimta laun fyrir barnfóstu eða greiða þau fyrir hönd foreldra. Foreldrar og barnfóstra semja um laun sín á milli og hvernig greiðslum er háttað.
Upplifun notenda síðunar
Við höfum það markmið að upplifun allra notenda síðunar séu jákvæð. Af þeim ástæðum áskiljum við okkur þann rétt til að eyða notendum ef þeir sýna óæskilegða hegðun og komi i veg fyrir jákvæða upplifun annarra notenda.
Ábyrgð notenda
Með því að nota síðuna og eiga í samskiptum við ókunnugt fólk þá er mikilvægt að þú gerir þér grein fyrir mögulegri hættu sem því fylgir.
Barnapö tekur enga ábyrgð á hegðun annarra notenda og að upplýsingar sem þeir gefa upp séu sannar.
Foreldrar sjá sjálfir um að afla upplýsingar um barnfóstrur og staðfesta hvort þær séu réttar til dæmis um aldur þeirra, sakavottorð, bílpróf, skyndihjálp og fleira. Þessar upplýsingar á barnfóstran að geta afhent eftir beðni með skjölum eða skirteini.
Barnapö sér ekki um að innheimta laun fyrir barnfóstur. Foreldrar og barnfóstrur semja um laun sín á milli og hvernig greiðslum er háttað.
Uppsögn & skilaréttur
Það kostar ekkert fyrir barnfóstrur að búa til aðgang en foreldrar greiða fyrir það timabil sem þau velja (3, 6 eða 12 mánuðir). Um eina greiðslu er að ræða fyrir ákveðið timabil sem ekki er hægt að fá endurgreitt.
Síðast uppfært 25.03.23
Welcome to site (“Site”) to Site Members. The term “Babysitter” includes all childcarers including babysitters and nannies, while “Parent” includes the biological, adoptive or foster parent of a child. Agencies and Recruitment companies are not permitted to register. The term “Site Member/s” includes Parents and Babysitters who register on the Site, and “You” includes Parents, Babysitters and any visitor to this Site. “Information” means information on this Site, including information about Site Members provided by them.
Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions
You must read these terms and conditions carefully before becoming a Site Member and use the services provided by the BARNAPOSSUN website. BARNAPOSSUN will from time to time update these terms and conditions so it is important that you revisit this page regularly. Your access to and use of this Site will be governed by these terms and conditions whether or not you choose to become a Site Member
How do I become a member of the site?
You must be a Site Member to use the services of the Site. You become a Site Member by accepting the Terms and Conditions, acknowledging the Privacy Statement and by registering online. Site Members must be aged 18 and over. Babysitters must be legally able to work in Australia. Parents must pay the nominated fee to become Site Members.
How the site works
The Site has public and private areas. Public areas are open to any Site visitors. The public area shows the home page, allow visitors to search for abbreviated profiles of Babysitters in their area and allow visitors to read some generic resources (like the Frequently Asked Questions section). Only Site Members can access the private areas of the site. Private areas of the site show Site Members profiles, excluding personal addresses and phone numbers. Private areas of the site have Parent Feedback section (and private chat rooms – this is not planned as yet – but may be down the track). Parents who are Site Members can search for Babysitters in their area and read the profiles that are listed. Parents can choose to email or SMS Babysitters to introduce themselves, and Babysitters can reply to the Parents. Site Members may communicate with each other via emails sent through the BARNAPOSSUN Site initially. Once Site Members have made contact, they may choose to exchange personal phone numbers and addresses.
What the site offers
BARNAPOSSUN offers Parents the ability to search for Babysitters in their area online, while it offers Babysitters the opportunity to find babysitting work by applying to jobs that are advertised on the site and receiving email or SMS requests from Parents. By becoming a Site Member, you acknowledge that there is no employment, independent contractor or agency relationship between BARNAPOSSUN and Babysitters, and that the Site merely offers you the opportunity to make contact with Parents and Babysitters.
BARNAPOSSUN provides detailed profiles of Babysitters and Parent Feedback via Ratings online. Profiles show whether the Babysitter has obtained a police check and references available, and allows Parents to select Babysitters with specific credentials. BARNAPOSSUN recommends that Site Members interview each other before scheduling a babysitting date to ensure that Parents choose the best Babysitter for them. To assist with this process, BARNAPOSSUN has developed an Interview Guide.
What the site does not offer
BARNAPOSSUN does not undertake scheduling of babysitting appointments, complete police or other background checks or verify the Information of Site Members. Babysitters and parents should check the requirements provided by any relevant legislation in their State. Babysitters and parents are responsible for ensuring that they have complied with the relevant legislation and obtained any required background checks.
How to register
Parents and Babysitters can join the Site by completing the registration online. Babysitter registration collects detailed information including name, address, date of birth, qualifications, experience and work preferences. Parent registration collects information including Parent name, address, and childcare requests. All the information collected is stored securely, and by becoming a Site Member You acknowledge that your personal information may be displayed on this Site. You should make Yourself familiar with our Privacy Policy
Site Member conduct
We want to ensure that using the Site is the best experience possible for all Site Members. To that end, You are prohibited from any actions that may interfere with another’s experience. These include, but are not limited to
- Using our systems to send unsolicited messages (SPAM)
- accessing data not intended for You
- attempting to breach authentication or login to an account the You are unauthorized to access
- disrupting service to the Site by interfering with the server or network by denial of service attack (DOS), spamming, or otherwise engage in conduct that causes a threatened or actual nuisance to Site Members.
- Forging information sent to the website or in an email, including TCP/IP packet information.
If you become Site Member, you are participating in the site community. You must conduct yourself in a manner that is in the spirit of the community. You must not post, transmit, save, or distribute any Information or material that is:
- false, inaccurate or misleading;
- fraudulent
- infringes the privacy or intellectual or other proprietary rights of another;
- illegal;
- defamatory, libelous, threatening, or intimidating;
- obscene or contains child pornography;
- contains any viruses, Trojan horses, easter eggs, worms, time bombs or other computer programming routines that may damage, modify, delete, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, access without authority or expropriate any system, data or personal information;
- create liability for us or cause us to lose (in whole or in part) the services of our ISPs, Web hosting company, or other suppliers; or
- creates an unauthorized link to another website
BARNAPOSSUN reserves the right to edit, refuse to post, or remove any Information or material it deems as inappropriate.
Billing and Payment
If you wish to register as a Parent Site Member, You must pay the membership fee using our online payment system. BarnaPossun uses military strength encryption to keep credit card numbers safe during the payment transaction. BarnaPossun does not keep Parent Site Members’ credit card numbers.
Acceptance of Risk and Release from Liability
In using this Site, You accept that there are risks associated with dealing with people you have not met before and using the Information on this Site.
BARNAPOSSUN disclaims all responsibility for material and Information posted on this Site and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, harm, damages or costs You incur as a result of Your use of this Site.
In using this Site, You acknowledge that BARNAPOSSUN makes no warranties or representation as to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the Information or the quality of the care provided by Babysitters. You also acknowledge BARNAPOSSUN does not have any control over or responsibility for the actions of Parents and makes no warranties as to their behaviour.
Because BARNAPOSSUN is not involved in actual transactions between Site Members, in the event that You have a dispute with another Site Member you will need to personally negotiate the resolution of that dispute. You also acknowledge that BARNAPOSSUN is in no way responsible for the payment or refund of Babysitters’ fees.
You release BARNAPOSSUN (and its officers, directors, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries and employees) from claims, demands and damages (including actual, special, direct, indirect and consequential damages) arising directly or indirectly out of or in any way connected
- disputes with or acts or omissions (including negligence) of other Site Members;
- your reliance upon Information; or
- Your use of this Site generally.
This includes release from liability for defamation arising from any comments posted on the website.
The content of this Site is protected by Australian and International copyright and other intellectual property laws. You are authorised to copy or download material on this Site for Your personal use however you do so for commercial or public purposes.
The BARNAPOSSUN logo and domain name are trademarks of BARNAPOSSUN. No permission is given to reproduce the BARNAPOSSUN, and you may only create a link to this Site after first having gained BARNAPOSSUN’s express permission in writing.
Links to Third Party Sites
This Site may contain links to third party sites. Access to any other Internet site linked to this Site is at your own risk and BARNAPOSSUN accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information, data, opinions, advice or statements made on such sites. BARNAPOSSUN provides these links merely as a convenience and their does not imply an endorsement.
Your use of this Site will be governed by and construed pursuant to the laws of Victoria and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of that State.
Any failure by BARNAPOSSUN at any time to enforce any of the provisions of these terms and conditions or any of its rights will not be a waiver of such provisions, rights or elections or affect the validity of these terms and conditions.
If any clause or part of a clause of these terms and conditions is invalid, illegal, unlawful or otherwise being incapable of enforcement, that clause or part of a clause will be deemed to be severed and of no force and effect but all other clauses and parts of clauses of these terms and conditions will nevertheless prevail and remain in full force and effect and be valid and fully enforceable. No clause or part of a clause of these terms and conditions will be construed to be dependent upon any other clause or part of a clause unless so expressed.
BARNAPOSSUN may terminate your Site Membership immediately, without notice and without having to provide a refund, in the event a member breaches any part of the Terms. BARNAPOSSUN may also terminate your Site Membership at any time during the Term in its absolute discretion.